How quickly a Qbank is activated after purchase?
Normally you should be automatically redirected to your paid Qbank version and receive login details at your registered email address after successful completion of payment transaction. If your paid Qbank version is not activated and login details not received even after one to two hours, kindly contact our support via email or WhatsApp, Imo and other social contacts.
Related FAQS
- How to create/offer course?
- What is your course refund policy?
- What if my tutor joins class late or skips at all?
- Is there any way I can get a discount?
- I didn’t receive activation email. What should I do?
- How do you ensure quality and safety?
- Why can’t I share my email, phone number or facebook with student?
- I am having some technical difficulties, what should I do?
- How can I review my students’ testimonials?
- Can I access my Qbank on mobile?