My profile appears at the end of the tutor search results. Why?
Your profile ranking may improve with a course of time, don’t be discouraged, because a huge number of tutors are using docexams platform, it is impossible to show all profiles at the top of the search list. Our algorithm changes the tutor order over time. It depends on who gives the best service, so your profile order may fluctuate in the results.
Related FAQS
- Can you help me find my old tutor at your website with whom I have already taken classes?
- What forms of payments you accept?
- What if I am not satisfied with your tutor during the course?
- Why do I have tutoring proposal sent by tutor(s) to whom I didn’t send connect request?
- Can I offer MOCK tests to my students?
- Why can’t I access my account? What can I do?
- How are docexams classes held?
- How can I join my virtual classroom?
- What if join class late or skip at all?
- How quickly a Qbank is activated after purchase?