How many exams’ Qbank you offer?
Currently we are offering Qbanks for;
- MOH Internal Medicine
- MOH Obs & Gynae
- MOH General Surgery
- MOH Dermatology
- MOH Pediatrics
- MOH General Dentistry
- MOH Orthodontic
- MOH Endodontic
- MOH Prosthodontics
- MOH Periodontics
- DHA Internal Medicine
- DHA Obs & Gynae
- DHA General Surgery
- DHA Dermatology
- DHA Pediatrics
- DHA General Dentistry
- DHA Orthodontic
- DHA Endodontic
- DHA Prosthodontics
- DHA Periodontics
- HAAD Internal Medicine
- HAAD Obs & Gynae
- HAAD General Surgery
- HAAD Dermatology
- HAAD Pediatrics
- HAAD General Dentistry
- HAAD Orthodontic
- HAAD Endodontic
- HAAD Prosthodontics
- HAAD Periodontics
- MOH Oman GP
- MOH Oman Internal Medicine
- MOH Oman Obs & Gynae
- MOH Oman General Surgery
- MOH Oman Dermatology
- MOH Oman Pediatrics
- MOH Oman General Dentistry
- MOH Oman Orthodontic
- MOH Oman Endodontic
- MOH Oman Prosthodontics
- MOH Oman Periodontics
- MOH Kuwait GP
- MOH Kuwait Internal Medicine
- MOH Kuwait Obs & Gynae
- MOH Kuwait General Surgery
- MOH Kuwait Dermatology
- MOH Kuwait Pediatrics
- MOH Kuwait General Dentistry
- MOH Kuwait Orthodontic
- MOH Kuwait Endodontic
- MOH Kuwait Prosthodontics
- MOH Kuwait Periodontics
- SLE(Saudi Licensing Exam) GP
- SLE Internal Medicine
- SLE Obs & Gynae
- SLE General Surgery
- SLE Dermatology
- SLE Pediatrics
- SLE General Dentistry
- SLE Orthodontic
- SLE Endodontic
- SLE Prosthodontics
- SLE Periodontics
- USMLE Step1
- USMLE Step 2 (CK)
- PLAB Part 1
- AMC Part 1
- FCPS Part 1
Each QBank consists of high yield, simulated multiple-choice questions designed to reflect the content of actual exams. Online subscriptions for above Qbanks can be purchased in different subscription periods to access these questions. Additional extensions can be purchased as well.
Related FAQS
- How to request a refund?
- Where can I find a tutor’s contact information?
- Is there any fee for becoming a tutor?
- Hello Zahid
- Is personal picture necessary to be set as profile picture?
- How can I maximize my earning?
- Can you find a tutor for me?
- What payment methods can I use?
- How can I enroll/purchase my desired course?
- What time zone is my course in?