As a tutor on DocExams, you will be a part of largest and most diverse medical tutoring communities in the world. We expect all tutors to follow underlined rules for healthy learning environment.
Punctuality & Lateness.
Punctuality and attendance is extremely important at DocExams. Joining virtual classroom online even before 5 minutes of your decided time leaves a good impression on all enrolled students into your course. It also shows your dedication with the course and your commitment to complete the course subjects on time. On the contrary, when tutor is late or absent it sends a lack of responsibility message to the students enrolled which may ultimately lead to performance issues resulting in not completing course on time which is against our vision of fulfilling commitment with students.
At DocExams, we take strong stance on tutor attendance and punctuality as greatly impacts our students. Therefore, we have established a minimum target of 95% attendance to be achieved by all of our tutors. We have also clarified our policy for tutors having different attendance record, like;
Tutor with greater than 95% attendance record: Such tutors are given priority to work with our partner medical institutions. Their profile is listed at the top level at our website and other individual rewards.
Tutor with 85% to 95% attendance record: Such tutors performance will be monitored and they will be informed about our concerns. We will work with such tutors to improve their attendance record. If we find no improvement, such tutors will not be able to offer any course at our website and their tutoring profile may also be degraded.
Tutor with less than 85% attendance record: Any tutor falling below to 85% attendance record will be intimated, if no positive response is received then such tutor’s course may be abolished and registration can be terminated by DocExams without any notice. In such case, enrolled student(s) will be refunded and tutor’s dues (if any) will be cancelled.
Above consequences may not apply to those tutors who have taken leave with the consent of both DocExams and enrolled students.
If a tutor will not be able to take the class for any reason then it is tutor foremost responsibility to inform DocExams in advance atleast before 2 to 5 hours before the class time.
Arriving late: We have a defined policy for tutors to join our virtual class before 5 minutes of its actual time. Tutor who joins class after 10 minutes of actual class time will be marked as late. DocExams should be notified by tutor before class time if he/she could be late so that student(s) could be informed accordingly. Tutor, who has unfortunate habit of joining class late, will be intimated by DocExams. If we find no improvement, such tutor can be fined for upto amount equivalent to one day earning for offered course. Furthermore, tutor may not be able to offer any course at DocExams and his/her registration can be terminated.
Be prepared for your lecture.
We expect tutor to be fully prepared for his/her lecture. Tutor must send any class’s notes/files (notes shall be written in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint) prior to class timing (atleast before 2 to 8 hours before that class in which sent topic(s)/subject(s) need to be discussed) because this will make easier for the student(s) to have fruitful discussion during the class. Kindly understand that;
- Knowledge of your subject is not enough if you are not able to communicate it through affective lecturing to your students.
- Each day lecture must be thoughtfully planned asking yourself questions like “what am I going to accomplish today”.
- Your written notes must target the student’s need instead of generalizing it with extra information which may be unnecessary for the student(s).
- Excellent notes followed by a poor delivery will not be considered as excellent lecture.
- Your notes should play a roadmap role for your upcoming lecture. If student(s) know where you are going, they are most likely to follow you.
- Being a tutor it’s your responsibility to lead the whole class along the path you set for them, otherwise you may see difficulty from any of the misdirected student.
- Your speaking pace is very important during the lecture because you may end up with incomplete objectives at the end of lecture.
- While discussing any image, video etc, such action may prompt discussion which can easily be prolonged or diverted if you do not carefully answer the questions.
Finally, you must understand that each of your lecture require careful planning keeping in view above points because at DocExams we only regard those tutor as successful who complete the course with utmost student’s satisfaction. Tutor who does not have satisfactory lecturing skills may even loses any ongoing course/tuition at DocExams, resulting in cancellation of payments /earning for any such course/tuition.
Be polite.
- Treat your students with respect.
- Insulting, condescending, or abusive words will not be tolerated.
- Do not harass your students.
- Polite debate is always welcome as long as outcome is constructive instead of attacking others.
Be sensitive.
- Remember that DocExams connects students around the world having different cultures and backgrounds.
- Be kind, thoughtful, and open-minded when discussing race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or controversial topics since others likely have differing perspectives.
Share copyright and appropriate content.
- Do not share copyrighted content unless its source is properly highlighted.
- You may not share inappropriate (e.g., pornographic or obscene) content.
Dress code.
- All shirts or blouses should be dressed with modesty, not being too revealing or tight, must cover shoulder with modest sleeve’s length.
- Articles of clothing having alcoholic, drugs, violence or with obscene, suggestive or questionable printing is not allowed.
- Sunglasses are not to be worn unless prescribed by a physician.
To ensure healthy learning environment, tutor must make sure to take class at a place which should not have distractive scenes or noises. For example taking class from a coffee shop or beach or any other public place will not be a good idea. Let your family, fellows or roommates know that you should not be disturbed during class. Remember that a distractive learning environment will always distract not just you but the whole class.
Tutor who repeatedly breaks these rules may be removed from conducting classes and/or his tutoring registration may be terminated without paying him/her any dues (if any).
- Why I haven’t received my payment yet?
- We are a medical school/college/university. Can we take Docexams courses as well?
- How do I join my virtual classroom?
- Can you help me find my old tutor at your website with whom I have already taken classes?
- Can I teach a course my language?
- Can I transfer my refund amount from one Qbank to another?
- What should I do if my student(s) is not in virtual classroom?
- Can tutor view class recordings?
- How long does the application process take?
- How many questions do you guys have?