How to complete MOHAP exam Dataflow process?
All healthcare professionals need to obtain an evaluation certificate to get MOHAP license issued.
Last updated: 10/24/2022, 3:15:32 PM

Follow given steps.

  1. Visit MOHAP website here for creating an account and start your electronic service.
  2. Click at the 'Create New Account' link for new applicant and fill out this signup form with required details.
  3. Enter your login information. Make sure to use valid email and cell number.
  4. In additional information, beside other information, being IMG (International Medical Graduate), select passport as identity option and ensure to provide correct passport information.
  5. For user group, select individual.
  6. As soon as you submit this form, an automatic email with login details will be sent at your registered email address and your account will be created.
  7. Login as 'Customer' on the above given link with the provided login details.
  8. On landing 'All Services' page, as you can see that MOHAP has provided all required services under a single account option. Click at 'Evaluation Service'.
  9. Choose new evaluation option for your application. To upgrade first medical title, you may choose second medical title option. Click next button to proceed.
  10. Choose the category you are applying for and click next button.
  11. Acknowledge that you have all required documents and click next button.
  12. Select your medical title and click next.
  13. Select specialty.
  14. Fill out all required details marked with red asterisk on this page. Attach your passport copy. Click on 'next' button.
  15. If you have already processed your Dataflow PSV then select 'yes' and click next button. Select this checkbox if your dataflow report has verified status, otherwise leave it empty and provide your dataflow reference number, so that your existing report will be attached with this application.
    On the other hand, if it is your first time you are processing your dataflow report then chose 'no' option and click at next button.
  16. Fill out your educational qualification details on this page. All fields marked with red asterisk are mandatory. Click next button.
  17. Upload your scanned qualification certificate and click next button.
  18. You can also add multiple qualifications in the same way.
  19. Add your house-job or internship details and upload related certificate.
  20. Let's assume that your two years experience is at a single health facility then provide details accordingly and click next button.
  21. Upload related experience certificate and click next.
  22. You can also add multiple experience and certificates in the same way.
  23. In the end, in license section, please add your good standing certificate, dataflow report, if you already have it, MOHAP old evaluation certificate and different medical licenses details, you have passed, such as USMLE, PLAB or DHA.
  24. In the end, you may preview all your submitted information and edit it if needed. Otherwise, you may submit your application.
  25. Once your application is successfully submitted, you will be notified accordingly. Kindly save your allotted R number and Request number for future reference. Now you may proceed to service fee payment page through clicking at go to payment button.
  26. Chose the payment method and click at process for payment button.

After completing the license application on the MOHAP website, your form will be sent to the DataFlow Group for PSV. The DataFlow Group team will then send you an email comprising a link to settle the payment, in addition to instructions for applying. Upon receipt of the credit card payment, the DataFlow Group will initiate the PSV.