What is a connect request?
At search tutor page, if interested to hire any tutor then you can simply send a connect request message to him/her highlighting your complete requirements without mentioning your contact details (i.e. email, phone) and unethical language/words because any such content will block your connect request and may result in cancellation of your account at our website.
Related FAQS
- How can I sign up / register?
- What time zone is my course in?
- How does my Qbank dashboard work?
- How can I manage my offered courses?
- How are docexams classes held?
- Can I subscribe for multiple Qbanks?
- How do students contact me?
- Can I hire more than one tutor OR take more than one course at a time?
- How can I login/sign in to my course dashboard?
- Why no student contacted me yet, waiting for days?