How can I maximize my earning?
Tutors have two different ways to maximize their earning like:
1) Via uploading tutoring profile with basic registration:
- Create your tutoring profile through providing all required details. The more clear information you have in your profile, the easier it will be for potential students to connect with you.
- The more students visit your tutoring profile, the more chances you have to maximize your earning through responding to their connect request as quickly as possible.
- Create your tutoring proposal keeping in view student’s connect request (i.e. subjects, timing, days or other requirements). Make your proposal as precise as you can, so that student will be able to make decision quickly and enroll in your tutoring course.
- You can do marketing of your own profile at using your different social media contacts. This will also help you to attract more and more students.
2) Via creating a course at DocExams after tutor registration:
- Create a course for free in minutes.
- It’s you who decide and controls the course.
- More students mean more earning.
Find out 6 quick steps to start your new course.
Related FAQS
- How much time it takes for refund process?
- How does my course dashboard works?
- I registered for a course/Qbank at DocExams, can I register as a tutor?
- How many exams’ Qbank you offer?
- What is a connect message?
- Do you perform background checks on the tutors?
- What forms of payments you accept?
- Minimum system requirements for Qbank?
- Can I quiet the ongoing course before ending it?
- What is the payment cycle for tutors?