How can I teach on DocExams?
Our tutors come from around the world having expertise in different medical fields, from medicine to dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, physiotherapy etc.
- Create DocExams account for free here.
- Submit a 5 steps tutoring profile.
- Create and offer your course at DocExams for free.
- Connect with potential students and start your tutoring journey.
For more details about getting started as DocExams tutor, visit here.
Related FAQS
- Why I haven’t received my payment yet?
- Why can’t I access my account? What can I do?
- How do I update/edit my profile?
- How do students contact me?
- What are general conditions to create your course at
- How do I set my availability for tutoring?
- How can I find a Qbank on Interface?
- Why no student contacted me yet, waiting for days?
- How to request a refund?
- I registered for a course/Qbank at DocExams, can I register as a tutor?