What is E-tarasol barcode and how to create it?
E-tarasol barcode is required to complete your DOH registration process. This barcode is generated through e-tarasol website.
Last updated:
10/21/2022, 2:25:48 PM
E-tarasol barcode is required to complete your DOH registration process. This barcode is generated through E-tarasol website.
This website can only be opened via internet explorer, after adding the website in compatibility view settings. Once visible, you need to start filling required information.
Unified number also known as UID number, which consists upon 9 digit number. This number is automatically assigned to anyone who enters the UAE. You can find this number at the top of your resident visa, or at your tourist visa. If you are still not able to find it, then you can proceed through entering digit '1' nine times like this. Provide rest of the information in English and Arabic, through simply converting it through Google translate.
- Provide your personal information.
- Select the job code, and fill out other related information.
- In address section, please provide the information for country where you are currently located.
- Provide your passport information.
- Add your relatives' details, that could be your sponsor, friend, or other located in UAE. If none, then skip this part and click next.
- Provide your degree details.
- Provide your previous work details, if applicable.
- On summary page, review all details, and once satisfied, click on print button, otherwise click previous button to make any changes.
- Clicking on print button, will generate your desired e-tarasol barcode sheet.
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