What is a connect message?
At search tutor page, any student can send connect request message to you through visiting your profile. This message may contain complete requirements like subject/topic/exam to study, preferred timing, days, any expected hourly rate, expected duration to complete the course or other relevant information.
Related FAQS
- Who can create/offer a course?
- How quickly should I respond to student’s connect message?
- Can you help me find my old tutor at your website with whom I have already taken classes?
- I registered for a course/Qbank at DocExams, can I register as a tutor?
- Is there any way I can get a discount?
- Hello Zahid
- How do students contact me?
- How can I subscribe/purchase my desired Qbank?
- What if I join class late or skip at all?
- How can I review my students’ testimonials?