How do you ensure quality and safety?
Docexams platform is committed to ensuring the best quality education as well as provide you a safe and secure online environment.
- Tutors and students communications take place through Docexams platform only. This means that your personal information like telephone/mobile numbers and email addresses remain confidential and private, these contact details are not visible to the tutor.
- Tutors and Students contact are not allowed outside the website. Read our Terms and Conditions.
- We conduct online interview session for those who interested to join us as professional tutor. Our qualified consultants check their subject competency, communication skills, behavior, and time management. Only the best tutors become a part of Docexams. They are safe to work with us.
- Not only that, less than 70% of tutors’ overall performance rating from the students will not be allowed to continue his/her tutoring.
Please Note: Your feedback is reflected in our ratings system. You can take full advantage of this information to choosing a best tutor.
Related FAQS
- The maximum number of students joining a course is?
- How can I teach on DocExams?
- Can you help me find my old tutor at your website with whom I have already taken classes?
- Can I teach a course my language?
- Is personal picture necessary to be set as profile picture?
- Can I save Qbank material or take print out?
- What is a virtual classroom?
- Does DocExams retain exclusive rights to my offered course?
- Is travelling required?
- How much time it takes for refund process?